Our Chosen Charities.


At Octal8, we know that together, we’re stronger and better. Everything we do is about family in one way or another, we understand that “family” means lots of different things to different people.

Our charity partners are part of our extended family here at Octal8, you can find out more about our partners below.


Ocatal8 is proud to support and partner with the following charities:

Alder Hey Children’s Charity

Alder Hey Children’s Charity is an independent registered charity (charity number 1160661) which provides vital funds to make Alder Hey in the Park a truly world-class, patient-friendly hospital – making a crucial difference to the 330,000 patients and families who visit Alder Hey every year.

Down’s syndrome association

We walk along life’s journey with those who have down’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome association are a national organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of people who have Down’s syndrome, promoting their right to be included on a full and equal basis with others.